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WOAG statement on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

Human Rights

Wales Overseas Agencies Group (WOAG) members are deeply concerned by the passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda. We stand in solidarity with LGBTQ+ Ugandans, who were already criminalised and now face even harsher penalties simply for being who they are.

Enacting this Bill would lead to multiple breaches of the country’s human rights obligations, which are enshrined both in the Ugandan constitution and under international law. We therefore urge President Museveni to use his discretion and veto this Bill. If enacted, the Anti-Homosexuality Bill would criminalise someone simply for stating that they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. It would also criminalise individuals and organisations who provide support to LGBTQ+ people.

We are committed to ensuring that everyone engaged in projects supported from Wales are treated with respect and not discriminated against.

We stand in solidarity with the Ugandan LGBTQ+ community and are committed to building a world where everyone’s human rights are respected, protected & upheld.

Claire O’Shea and Sarah Rees, Co-Chairs, WOAG

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