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Tom Baker appointed as the new Chair of Hub Cymru Africa

New Chair of Hub Cymru Africa meeting with the co-Chair of SSAP, Fred Zimba.

Hub Cymru Africa has appointed Tom Baker as its new Chair of the Partnership Board.

Tom’s 20 years of experience has been dedicated to working in partnership with others. An award winning campaigner and leader, his career has seen him work with Christian Aid, the Make Poverty History campaign, Bond and most recently as Director of Politics, Participation and Campaigns at Save the Children UK, based in the charity’s Cardiff office. 

In addition to this, Tom also served on the boards of charitable organisations, most recently Results UK.

Tom Baker, newly-appointed Independent Chair of Hub Cymru Africa, said:

“I’m very excited that I have this opportunity to bring my experience and use my knowledge, skills and expertise to serve Wales’ leading global solidarity organisation.

“The global solidarity sector in Wales is small but growing, and I’m delighted to be able to support it as Chair of Hub Cymru Africa. The work the partnership does, bringing together Fair Trade Wales, Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel, Global Health Partnerships Cymru and the Welsh Centre for International Affairs is important and I’m excited to get to work to support all our partners in Wales and Africa. It is my hope that Hub Cymru Africa will grow in strength as a facilitator and driving force for global solidarity partnerships.”

Claire O’Shea, Head of Partnership at Hub Cymru Africa, said:

“Hub Cymru Africa has an important role in building solidarity between Wales and Africa. At a time where the challenges of climate change and the need for global partnership is more urgent than ever, we are delighted to have appointed a Chair who shares our values and has a deep knowledge of the contexts we work in.

“Tom’s experience as a leader in the sector and an accomplished campaigner will make him an invaluable asset as Chair of Hub Cymru Africa. We look forward to seeing his contribution in the years ahead.”

Tom is joining Hub Cymru Africa at an exciting time with our newly launched strategy and our Anti-Racism Charter. He will help Hub Cymru Africa deliver its collective vision for the partnership and for the global solidarity sector in Wales.


Notes to editors:

Hub Cymru Africa is a partnership comprising the Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA), Fair Trade Wales, Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel and Global Health Partnerships Cymru.

Hub Cymru Africa is Wales’s leading international development and global solidarity organisation. It was formed in April 2015 to bring together the work of its partners and to support organisations across Wales to build sustainable links and projects in partnership with organisations in Africa and around the world. It supports diverse and vibrant groups and individuals in Walesfair trade campaigners, diasporas, NHS staff, community- and faith-based organisations, and charitiesto contribute to socially responsible global development.

Hub Cymru Africa’s work focuses principally on health, education, livelihoods and the environment. Through awareness-raising, policy and advocacy, community mobilisation and mentoring and development support, it helps the voluntary and public sector in Wales to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through international development.

Hub Cymru Africa is funded through grants from the Welsh Government’s Wales and Africa Programme and the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

For interviews in Welsh or English, please contact:

Peter Frederick Gilbey, Communications Manager
+44 (0) 7495 008 927

Tom Baker, Independent Chair of Hub Cymru Africa

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