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Invitation to tender for project mid-point review

If you have any queries about this tender please contact Tenders should be submitted in English to the above email address by 5pm on Thursday 16th December 2021.

1. Background

Hub Cymru Africa (HCA) is a partnership supporting the Wales Africa Community, bringing together the work of the Wales and Africa Health Links Network, the Sub-Saharan Advisory Panel and Fair Trade Wales. We represent the international solidarity sector in Wales.

HCA is supported by the Welsh Government and is hosted by the Welsh Centre for International Affairs at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff.

HCA supports development links and actions in and between Wales and Africa. We deliver this through networking events and training. In 2021 we began a new project “Springboard” which is extending this service to the Wales Africa Community predominantly with online learning and events.

2. Mid-point review requirements

HCA have run the two-year project, Springboard, with SCCF Capacity Development Grant funding since mid-January 2021. The purpose of this review at the 1-year mark, is to consider project progress to date, and understand any impact.

Task 1 – Review and summarise participant feedback to date

Task 2 – Identify gaps in feedback and develop Review Plan

Task 3 – Undertake necessary monitoring and evaluation activities

  • Submit summary report of outcomes, outputs and impact, including accurate figures by 28th

Task 4 – Review findings with sample participants / stakeholders

Task 5 – Present findings with emphasis on learning and recommendations

3. Media evaluation requirements

Core questions to be addressed within the review be agreed but will include:

  • Ability of Project to engage diverse audience
  • Success of project in creating learning opportunities
  • Effectiveness of project to support change in attitude, approach or practice
  • Any change created as a result of the project
  • Summary of increased funding within the sector as result of the project

4. Contract requirements

  • Work from home using own equipment at own cost
  • Fortnightly 30minute meeting with Project Manager
  • 1 limited survey (if necessary)
  • 5 structured interviews with project participants
  • 1x focus group/meetings with stakeholders
  • Support with admin of organising meetings with stakeholders / sending out survey provided by Hub Cymru Africa.

5. Timetable

Stages Dates
Issue ITT Document Tuesday 7th December 2021
Closing date and time for enquiries 5pm, Friday 10th December 2021
Tender return time and date 5pm, Thursday 16th December 2021
Expected Notification of Intent to Award Friday 17th December 2021
Expected Start Date Monday 20th December 2021
Payment and contract conditions are made based on work produced, regardless of time spent.

Part 1: Monitoring and Evaluation

Review monitoring to date and agree plan for next steps by 10th January 2022
Undertake monitoring and evaluation activities by 24th January 2022
Summary of outcomes, outputs and impact, including accurate figures.

No later than

28th January
Part 2: Accountability and Learning
Engage stakeholders in review 14th February 2022
Final report including recommendations 21st February 2022

The contract will be complete by the 21st February with no opportunity for extension.

The budget for this activity is £1,500.

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