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Women’s Empowerment Grants Update

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

As part of Hub Cymru Africa’s gender equality work funded by the Welsh Government, we were pleased to be able to award the following grants to partnerships working between Wales and Uganda, and Wales and Lesotho in key pathfinding projects which promote gender equality.


Size of Wales

Grant size: £50,000

By integrating gender into agriculture-related climate change activities and policy, this project enables rural women to become important agents of change. The project will carry out a gender assessment to better understand the context in relation to women’s ability to participate. Based on this assessment, the project will support women with tailor made trainings, networking and access to resources to promote their participation and strengthen livelihoods. The project will document best practices, lessons learnt and inspiring case studies amongst partners in Wales and Africa and the Welsh public.

The main activities include:

  • Gender assessment
  • Mapping policy and legal commitments on women and girls’ rights and access to natural resources, including land.
  • Training 40 gender champions (men and women)
  • Training 222 rural women and girls on their rights and leadership skills
  • Strengthening local micro finance institutions to support climate smart initiatives
  • Training and inputs for 222 women and girls to strengthen income generating activities, including nature based enterprises, and tree planting women-led demo farms
  • Community engaged in data capture using simple GIS technology
  • Partner exchanges and learning webinar
  • Inspiring people in Wales to take climate action through Size of Wales’ education programme, comms and policy work.

The project will directly support

  • 36 community farming groups in the Masaka District (1,462 registered women group members – 90% women, 10% are men
  • 10 VSLA groups (250 people in total – 40% men and 60% women) in Mbale district, reaching 1,750 people at household level.

The project will indirectly support 600,000 people in Mbale and Masaka district.

Bees for Development

Grant size: £50,100

The project has three main strategies:

Firstly, it will use a participatory community capacity building methodology (Gender Action Learning System (GALS)) to build the understanding of the target community and address gender-based barriers that prevent men and women benefiting equally from beekeeping. The aim of the Gender Action-Learning process is to improve the ability for men and women to work together and to learn from each other in achieving their economic goals from beekeeping. It will promote women’s empowerment and gender equality through addressing institutional norms and rules (both stated and implicit) that maintain women’s unequal position in the Honey and Beeswax Value Chain in Adjumani District.

Secondly The project will build the capacity of 10 women beekeeping Apiary Champions to conduct extension services (targeting a further 100 women beekeepers and their families) in the District. This activity aims to challenge gender norms in beekeeping in the target communities at the same time as increasing and improving extension services to women (and men) beekeepers in the District.

Finally, the project will mobilise, train, and certify 10 women Apiary Masters. This will increase the number and visibility of women in technical and policy leadership of the sector. These women will act as role models for other women, and supported by TUNADO to achieve better employment opportunities in the beekeeping sector.

In the Project area there is good market access for selling honey, provided notably by Jephina honey – a women-owned honey company – and other buyers. This provides a strong link to good markets.


Grant size: £25,000

The project will train 40 female teachers across 20 schools in Bukedea, Kumi & Katakwi to implement peer-to-peer support via 1,600 adolescents in 20 adolescent clubs (between 11-18yrs). Each club will meet fortnightly and elect 2 champions to be responsible for the club and provide feedback within the wider school community through assemblies and classes. Pupils will be encouraged to volunteer to participate and be randomly selected on a ratio of 70% girls, 30% boys.

Additionally, this project will train school management and have Focus Discussion Groups with 500 parents to encourage the adoption of more supportive attitudes & behaviours towards adolescent girls. Locally manufactured re-usable sanitary pads will be provided to pupils of menstrual age.

This project will work closely with local government, utilising their Schools Inspectorate teams, to identify and safeguard girls most at risk of drop out.

Training will be delivered on:

  • Facilitating peer-led support tackling harmful patriarchal gender norms to build confidence & resilience
  • Promoting supportive attitudes among the wider community, tackling reproductive health stigma and its links to forced marriage, GBV & transactional sex
  • Safeguarding vulnerable girls in line with government policy.

These clubs provide a locally-led, sustainable mechanism for girl pupils to amplify their voices & priorities within the school body, and with their male peers, whilst identifying at-risk girls who need more help, and changing harmful gender norms that lead to drop out. It will also provide female teachers, after months of school closures, with a training opportunity & regular facilitation, to assist their return to teaching.

The ultimate goal is for the estimated 20% of girls at risk of struggling to return and stay in school to continue their education.


Dolen Cymru

Grant Size: £61,100

Women in Lesotho experience GBV almost on a daily basis but are reluctant to either report these cases or follow them through to finality once reported, one of the reasons for this is ineffective and insensitive service delivery, mainly from the Police. This hinders access to justice by the victims and survivors.

This project aims to:

  • Increase the knowledge of police and community leaders in the handling of GBV reports
  • Develop a supportive environment for victims and survivors to report incidences of GBV
  • Strengthen partnership between the local Police and Community Leaders
  • Empower GBV survivors to recover psychological and bodily autonomy.

By formulating basic manuals and delivering a series of training sessions covering foundational content such as the analysis of relational power dynamics, principles of bodily and psychological autonomy and integrity and the laws providing protection to survivors this project will build the capacity of the police and community leaders to respond to cases of GBV.  It will strengthen the partnership between the police and community leaders to improve the reporting of GBV cases and will enable community leaders to hold the police accountable.

This training is being delivered in the districts of Maseru, Berea, Leribe and Mafeteng.

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