Wales Africa Community Networking: Wrexham

Sustainable LivelihoodsNetworking In person event Wrexham Register

Join us at the collaborative and in-person diaspora networking event supported by Hub Cymru Africa and the Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel and hosted by the Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST) in Wrexham.

This in-person event will focus on building connections and solidarity with the diaspora community and allies.

The event will include a workshop, presentation, food, drinks, and entertainment! Families are welcome and a play area is available for children.

Isimbi Sebageni, Diaspora and Inclusion Officer from the Hub Cymru Africa team will talk about taking an anti-racist approach to global solidarity and international development, and share information about how you can get involved through the Welsh Government’s Wales  and Africa Programme and engage with Hub Cymru Africa’s events and support.

African and Caribbean Diaspora members can take part in an exciting community mapping workshop, focusing on black history and heritage, led by SSAP’s KumbuKumbu project.

What we would like you to take away from this event is new connections, an understanding of global solidarity and how to contribute, and standing with the African diaspora.

This event is perfect for community-focused individuals, Wales-Africa micro charities, allies, and anyone in Wrexham or the north of Wales interested in global solidarity. We look forward to seeing you there!